كلمة و 4 صور

by Ibrahem Jabareen



Word and 4 Pictures 2021 game is a game for entertainment and stimulating the mind to exercise the ability to analyze different types Puzzles, developing concentration skills, linking, deduction, logical analysis, and thinking outside the box.Word and 4 Pictures Game is a puzzle game in which four pictures are put in front of the user and the user has to find the common denominator between these pictures.If you do not know the solution .... Gather your friends and family .... because you may encounter a stage that needs help and what you do not see, another person can see simply and clearly.When you start a word and 4 pictures game, the game gives you 100 coins as a gift to use as a tool.During the game, you can use the means of assistance, which is to detect a letter from the intended word and install it in exchange for 5 coins, and when you know the intended word from the images, you will be given an equivalent, which is two coins.You can also add coins when they run out through a button that enables you to view an advertisement.The word and 4 pictures game is suitable for all ages and has different stages of difficulty.Ask for help from your friends and share the game with them, challenge them and show them your skill.